2579 East 17th Street #11, Brooklyn, NY 11235, Estados Unidos

( 2 Opinións )


Dental Implants


Are you missing teeth? Do you have gaps and are embarrassed to smile with confidence? Can you enjoy your favorite foods and chew properly? Is your quality of life suffering? At LuxDen, Dr. Umanoff has over 15 years of experience in placing and restoring dental implants with over 6,000 successful procedures in Brooklyn. He uses implants in a variety of ways including replacing a single missing tooth, restoring multiple teeth or even reconstructing a toothless mouth. Dr. Umanoff plans each and every case based on the patient creating a unique and custom-tailored treatment. This occurs at a dental examination, where a thorough evaluation of a patient’s teeth and gums is experienced.

Read more:https://luxden.com/implants/
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Dental Crowns


Dental crowns in Brooklyn, New York are specialized prosthetics that are positioned over teeth to enhance strength, durability, and to create a smoother look. They can be used when a tooth is cracked, there is an old filling that needs to be replaced, or severe tooth decay, to name a few instances. Not only are crowns custom made, but they also come in a multitude of different materials depending on the case and are matched to the color of your other teeth for a uniform appearance.

A dental examination can help us to determine when you may need a crown. We can examine your teeth and gums to determine whether you’re a viable candidate for dental crowns in our Brooklyn dental office.

Read more:https://luxden.com/crowns/
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Dental Veneers


One of the most frequently used procedures in LuxDen Dentistry Center is veneers which can correct many dental problems.
Veneers are used to hide teeth that are substantially stained perhaps from discolored resin fillings, exposure to excessive fluoride (fluorosis), antibiotics and especially tetracycline, or older root canal treatments. They can be helpful in hiding teeth that are small or oddly shaped, or which have become worn down.

Veneers are a popular way to rejuvenate a smile, but there are several different types to choose from and it is important to know a little bit about each option.

Top rated, best in class veneers dentist in Brooklyn Dr. Umanoff can explain which choice will be the best for you and why.

Read more:https://luxden.com/veneers/
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Root Canal Therapy


Each year, countless teeth are treated and saved with root canal therapy in Brooklyn. At LuxDen, we offer endodontic treatments to remove the pulp of a tooth in infected or damaged teeth. During a dental examination, we examine a patient’s teeth and gums to determine which dental treatments such as a root canal they would benefit from the most.

Understanding Root Canal Therapy
At the core of the tooth is soft tissue known as the pulp. The hollow area that houses this soft tissue contains a space towards the top of the tooth called the pulp chamber. This pulp chamber is connected to the root of the tooth via pipe-like canals, giving rise to the term “root canal.” The blood vessels in these canals provide nutrition to the tooth. Occasionally, the internal soft tissue of the tooth becomes infected and can result in a serious infection if left untreated. Root canal therapy should ideally take place before an infection gets worse. A root canal therapy procedure involves taking out the damaged or decaying nerve and pulp, cleaning out the canal and putting in a permanent filling.

Read more:https://luxden.com/endodontic-procedures/
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Dental Cleaning


We know that brushing and flossing regularly at home is standard care for our teeth and gums. However, nothing beats a professional teeth cleaning twice a year. In addition to regular checkups, a professional teeth cleaning at a reputable office is fundamental to having a bright, white smile. It is also a requirement for overall oral hygiene and well being of the whole body. Proper care of your teeth prevents bad breath, yellowing and discoloration and plaque deposits which can cause unattractive spots and decay over time.

Insufficient dental care has also been linked to a number of illnesses. Heart disease, diabetes, tooth loss, bone loss and various stages of gum disease are all linked to poor dental hygiene and lack of care. These illnesses are all preventable when caught early during your checkup and cleaning. We can also detect early signs of problems such as fillings required or fractures as well as cavities and sensitivity.

Read more:https://luxden.com/cleanings/
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Dental Bonding


Tooth bonding is used for a variety of purposes such as correcting a tooth gap, covering discolorations, or repairing chipped and cracked teeth. Tooth bonding is dependent on the artistic ability of our professional dental team since the work is done “free hand,” without taking impressions or using a laboratory. The tooth must be color matched, sculpted and polished to produce a beautiful and natural-looking result. Our dental team uses a tooth-colored resin material and a curing light so that it bonds successfully.

During this cosmetic dentistry procedure, some of the surface enamel is removed, which allows our LuxDen cosmetic dentist to shape the composite resin to the tooth. Next, a bonding agent is applied, the composite resin is put on top of that and everything is cured with a special light. A tooth polish completes this safe and effective dental procedure.

Read more:https://luxden.com/cosmetic/
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ZOOM Teeth Whitening


One of the quickest ways to get whiter and brighter teeth is with Zoom! Whitening. This is an in-office bleaching treatment that is widely known for its ability to brighten your teeth from the effects of tooth discoloration quickly. The entire teeth whitening procedure takes just an hour in our Brooklyn office, and effects can be seen right away after treatment. Zoom! Whitening can lighten your teeth up to 8 shades after just one procedure. A preliminary evaluation and teeth cleaning are recommended before starting Zoom! Whitening.

Read more:https://luxden.com/cosmetic/
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Invisalign® has changed the face of orthodontics. Instead of wires attached to your teeth, your teeth can now be straightened invisibly our Brooklyn office. Unlike braces, you can eat and drink what you want during treatment. You can also brush and floss regularly to maintain good oral hygiene. There are no metal brackets or wires to cause mouth irritation, and less time in the dentist’s chair getting adjustments too. Talk about a bonus!

During the initial visit, our LuxDen team takes x-rays of your teeth, and our cosmetic dentist determines the best way to get your teeth to their desired positions. These x-rays or even photos allow us to track your progress over time. Ultimately, these transparent aligners are customized for your oral health and help you to achieve amazing results in a short amount of time (usually less than a year’s time). A preliminary dental examination is necessary to evaluate your oral health situation so we can optimize your treatment.

Read more:https://luxden.com/cosmetic/
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